CSharp:Microsoft Reporting Services SSRS
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Report RDLC
I reports sono files con estensione RDLC (che sta per Report Definition Language Client Side). Sono documenti (Report) a cui agganciare i dati provenienti da una fonte che può essere un DB SQL Server. Si possono collegare direttamente al DB o attraverso opportune classi da popolare prima di inviarle, con i relativi dati associati, al report.
I report da WPF
In questo scenario useremo un controllo XAML nel quale ci sarà l'oggetto che recepirà dinamicamente il file *.rdc vero e proprio e lo rappresenterà.
Nel codice seguente, lo XAML ha l'oggetto ReportView nel quale confluirà il report da visualizzare:
<UserControl x:Class="WpfApp1.ReportControl" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006" xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:WpfApp1" xmlns:rv="clr-namespace:Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms;assembly=Microsoft.ReportViewer.WinForms" mc:Ignorable="d" d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300" Loaded="UserControl_Loaded"> <Grid HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch"> <WindowsFormsHost> <rv:ReportViewer x:Name="rptMain"></rv:ReportViewer> </WindowsFormsHost> </Grid> </UserControl>
L'elemento <rv:ReportViewer> (riga 13) è il segnaposto del report da visualizzare.
Code Behind
L'evento che gestirà il popolamento dinamico del report da visualizzare è il TAG "Loaded="UserControl_Loaded" (riga 10) del primo elemento <UserControl> nello XAML. Lato C#, nel codeBehind:
public enum ReportType { Customer, QuickSale, SubA1, MainA, SalesPrivateCustomer, ACCReferralLetter // TODO } //... private void UserControl_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //TestJson(); rptMain.LocalReport.SubreportProcessing += LocalReport_SubreportProcessing; switch (CurrentReportType) { case ReportType.Customer: TestCustomerReport(); break; case ReportType.QuickSale: TestQuickSaleReport(); break; case ReportType.SubA1: TestSubA1Report(); break; case ReportType.MainA: TestMainAReport(); break; case ReportType.SalesPrivateCustomer: TestSalePrivateCustomerReport(); break; case ReportType.ACCReferralLetter: Test_ClinetFile_ACCReferralLetter(); break; default: throw new Exception("Report type not found"); } } //... // Assegnazione delle info per visualizzare il report voluto private void TestQuickSaleReport() { rptMain.LocalReport.ReportPath = string.Format("{0}\\Sale\\r_QuickSale.rdlc", m_reportsRootPath); object o = QuickSaleTest.GetTestReport(); // Classe che ha questo metodo per popolare la classe da mandare come dataset al report *rdlc ReportDataSource rds_h = new ReportDataSource(); rds_h.Name = "QuickSale_Header"; rds_h.Value = o; rptMain.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(rds_h); ReportDataSource rds_d = new ReportDataSource(); rds_d.Name = "QuickSale_Details"; rds_d.Value = ((List<r_QuickSaleModel_Header>)o).First().Details; rptMain.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(rds_d); ReportDataSource rds_p = new ReportDataSource(); rds_p.Name = "QuickSale_PaymentMethods"; rds_p.Value = ((List<r_QuickSaleModel_Header>)o).First().PaymentMethods; rptMain.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(rds_p); rptMain.RefreshReport(); }
Segue calse e metodo di test per popolare con dati tipo il report
internal class QuickSaleTest { private static Random random = new Random(); private static string RandomString() { const string chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; return new string(Enumerable.Repeat(chars, random.Next(10, 101)).Select(s => s[random.Next(s.Length)]).ToArray()); } public static IEnumerable< r_QuickSaleModel_Header> GetTestReport() { r_QuickSaleModel_Header r = new r_QuickSaleModel_Header() { // clinic info ClinicName = "Clinic Name", ClinicAddress1 = "23, Test road", ClinicAddress2 = "20153 Castellanza (VA)", ClinicPhone = "0123-456789", ClinicGSTNumber = "IT0123456789", // doc info DocType = "Quick sale", DocDate = "2018-05-09", DocNumber = "QS-18/0001A3", // invoice to CustomerFirstName = "Andrea", CustomerLastName = "Colombo", CustomerAddress1 = "via C. De Simoni, 15", CustomerAddress2 = "21049 Tradate (VA)", CustomerCode = "DUMMY001", // clinician ClinicianFirstName = "Mario", ClinicianLastName = "Rossi", // amount info GSTPercentage = 15m, RoundingAmount = 0.74m, CompanyCode = "071" }; if (r.CompanyCode == "071") r.CompanyName = "Bay Audiology"; else if (r.CompanyCode == "072") r.CompanyName = "Dilworth Hearing"; else r.CompanyName = ""; // Dettagli r.Details = new List<r_QuickSaleModel_Detail>(); for (int i = 0; i < random.Next(1,200); i++) { r_QuickSaleModel_Detail d = new r_QuickSaleModel_Detail() { Code = random.Next(100000).ToString().PadLeft(8, '0'), Description = RandomString(), Quantity = random.Next(15), UnitPrice = (decimal)random.Next(100000) / 100m }; d.Amount = random.Next(100000) % 5 == 0 ? d.Quantity * d.UnitPrice - (decimal)random.Next((int)(d.Quantity * d.UnitPrice / 2 * 100)) / 100m : d.Quantity * d.UnitPrice; r.Details.Add(d); } // Metodi di pagamento r.PaymentMethods = new List<r_QuickSaleModel_Payment>(); r.PaymentMethods.Add(new r_QuickSaleModel_Payment() { MethodDescr = "Method 1", MethodAmount = 123.45m }); r.PaymentMethods.Add(new r_QuickSaleModel_Payment() { MethodDescr = "Method 2", MethodAmount = 555.0m }); return new List<r_QuickSaleModel_Header>() { r }; } }
Classe dataset
Conterrà i dati, opportunamente recuperati, da inviare al report *.rdlc
public class r_QuickSaleModel_Header { public string ClinicName { get; set; } public string ClinicAddress1 { get; set; } public string ClinicAddress2 { get; set; } public string ClinicPhone { get; set; } public string ClinicGSTNumber { get; set; } public string DocType { get; set; } public string DocNumber { get; set; } public string DocDate { get; set; } public string CustomerFirstName { get; set; } public string CustomerLastName { get; set; } public string CustomerAddress1 { get; set; } public string CustomerAddress2 { get; set; } public string CustomerCode { get; set; } public string CustomerName { get { return string.Join(", ", new string[] { this.CustomerFirstName, this.CustomerLastName }); } } public string ClinicianFirstName { get; set; } public string ClinicianLastName { get; set; } public string ClinicianName { get { return string.Join(", ", new string[] { this.ClinicianFirstName, this.ClinicianLastName }); } } public List<r_QuickSaleModel_Detail> Details { get; set; } public decimal GSTPercentage { get; set; } public decimal GSTAmount { get { return this.InvoiceAmount * (this.GSTPercentage / 100m); } } public string GSTString { get { return string.Format("Includes {0:N2}% GST {1:N2}", this.GSTPercentage, this.GSTAmount); } } public decimal InvoiceAmount { get { return this.Details.Sum(s => s.Amount); } } public decimal RoundingAmount { get; set; } public List<r_QuickSaleModel_Payment> PaymentMethods { get; set; } public decimal BalanceDue { get { return -(this.InvoiceAmount - this.RoundingAmount - this.PaymentMethods.Sum(s => s.MethodAmount)); } } public string CompanyCode { get; set; } public string CompanyName { get; set; } } public class r_QuickSaleModel_Detail { public string Code { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public decimal Quantity { get; set; } public decimal UnitPrice { get; set; } public decimal Amount { get; set; } public decimal Discount { get { return this.Amount - (this.UnitPrice * this.Quantity); } } } public class r_QuickSaleModel_Payment { public string MethodDescr { get; set; } public decimal MethodAmount { get; set; } }
Es di Report rdlc
Il contenuto vero e proprio è un XML, ma dall'editor dell'IDE si presenta così:
Aggiungere un dataset
Per aggiungere un dataset, il seguente esempio si basa sui dati come dal paragrafo precedente 'I report da WPF':
Mappa e Link
C# | SQL Server Sistemi di Reporting
Visual Studio | MS SQL | SSIS
Parole chiave: Report | RDLC | .RDLC