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CSharp:Test MVC Questionario

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Quationario 1

Select the right answer.

NOTE: "All" is used if all answer are right, "None" if the question is not pertinent.

Correct answers are highlighted.


What's MVC stands for?

A) Microsoft View Controller
B) Microsoft Multiple View Controller
C) Model View Controller
D) Model View Code Controller pattern


MVC is a Microsoft design technology?

A) Yes, it help to build more powerful code architecture
B) No, it's one standard design pattern. Microsoft adopt it like an architectural code design


Is MVC suitable for both windows and web application?

A) No, MVC architecture is suited for web application than windows.
B) Yes, Microsoft also let you to choose if use it for Windows Desktop applications.

4. What is ViewResult() ?
A) It is an abstract Class
B) It is a Concrete Class
C) It is a Protected Class


What is ActionResult() ?

A) It is an abstract Class
B) It is a Concrete Class
C) It is a Virtual Class

6. Can we use view state in MVC ?
A) Yes
B) No

7. What is default authentication in Internet Information Services (IIS)?
A) Standard User
B) Administrator
C) Windows Authentication
D) Anonymous

8. How can you comment using Razor Syntax?
A) *@ Comment me *@
B) @* Comment me *@
C) *@ Comment me @*
D) // Comment me

9. The Razor View Engine uses to render server side content.
A) @
B) <%= %>
C) Both A & B
D) None

10. Does Razor Engine supports for TDD ?
A) Yes
B) No
C) None

11. How to Print value from Controller to View in MVC ?
A) ViewBag.ECMDetail = "my message"; and in view @ViewBag.ECMDetail
B) ViewBag.ECMDetail = "my message"; and in view ViewBag.ECMDetail
C) ViewBag.ECMDetail = "my message"; and in view ViewBag.Title

12. Are MVC and Web API merged into one in MVC 6?
A) Yes
B) No
C) None

13. Is ViewBag slower than ViewData in MVC?
A) Yes
B) No

14. Are both TempData/ViewData property of Controller base class in MVC?
A) Yes
B) No
C) None

15. Does TempData used to pass data from one page to another page in MVC?
A) Yes
B) No
C) None

16. Can ASP.Net Web API specialize to XML or JSON ?
A) Yes
B) No
C) none

17. Can ASP.Net Web API, it works HTTP standard verbs like POST, GET, PUT, DELETE (CRUD Operations) ?
A) Yes
B) No
C) None

18. Can ASP.Net Web API ability to both self hosting (outside of IIS) and IIS ?
A) Yes
B) no

19. Can ASP.Net Web API has ability to transport non HTTP protocols like TCP, UDP, Named Pipes etc ?
A) Yes
B) No

20. What is AuthConfig.cs in ASP.Net MVC ?
A) AuthConfig.cs is used to configure route settings
B) AuthConfig.cs is used to configure security settings including sites oAuth Login.
C) All

21. What is BundleConfig.cs in ASP.Net MVC ?
A) BundleConfig.cs in MVC is used to register filters for different purposes.
B) BundleConfig.cs in MVC is used to register bundles used by the bundling and minification, serveral bundles are added by default like jQuery, jQueryUI, jQuery validation, Modernizr, default CSS references.
C) All

22. What is FilterConfig.cs in ASP.Net MVC ?
A) FilterConfig.cs is used to register global MVC filters, HandleErrorAttribute is registered by default filter. We can also register other filters.
B) FilterConfig.cs is used to register global MVC bundles


What is RouteConfig.cs in ASP.Net MVC?

A) RouteConfig.cs is used to register MVC config statements, route config.
B) RouteConfig.cs is used to register global MVC bundles.

24. What is the difference between HtmlTextbox and HtmlTextboxFor using ASP.Net MVC Razor Engine?
A) @Html.TextBox is not strongly typed, @Html.TextBoxFor is strongly typed that is why should be use @Html.TextBoxFor in MVC Razor Engine.
B) @Html.TextBox is strongly typed, @Html.TextBoxFor is not strongly typed that is why should be use @Html.TextBox in MVC Razor Engine.
C) None

25. What is the benefits of Html.RenderPartial using ASP.Net MVC Razor Engine?
A) @Html.RenderPartial Returns response, moreover requires to create action.
B) @Html.RenderPartial Returns nothing (void), it is faster than @Html.Partial, moreover requires not to create action.
C) None

26. How to check Request coming from which controller using MVC ASP.Net?
A) var _controller = HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext.Values["Controller"].ToString();
B) var _controller = HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["Controller"].ToString();
C) var _controller = RouteData.Values["Controller"].ToString();
D) None

27. How to set Default Value to Hidden Input Box using ASP.Net MVC? 
A) @Html.HiddenFor(m => m.Name, "Jack")
B) @Html.HiddenFor(m => m.Name, new { Value = "Jack"}) 
C) @Html.Hidden(m => m.Name, new { Value = "Jack"})
D) None

28. How to check all errors of Model using ASP.Net MVC?
A) var errors = Model.Values.SelectMany(v => v.Errors);
B) var errors = ModelState.SelectMany(v => v.Errors);
C) var errors = ModelState.Values.SelectMany(v => v.Errors);
D) None

29. AuthConfig.cs file is under in which App folder ? 
A) App_Data
B) App_Start
C) Content
D) Root folder

30. RouteConfig.cs file is under in which App folder ?
A) App_Data
B) App_Start
C) Content
D) Root folder

31. WebApiConfig.cs file is under in which App folder ?
A) App_Data
B) App_Start
C) Content
D) Root folder

32. Which filter will be execute at first using ASP.Net MVC?
A) Action filters
B) Authorization filters
C) Response filters
D) Exception filters 

33. Which filter will be execute at last using ASP.Net MVC?
A) Action filters
B) Authorization filters
C) Exception filters
D) Response filters

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