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Le informazioni in questa pagina si applicano anche agli AIVDO che in realtà sono AIVDM ma riferiti alla stessa nave in cui è installato il dispositivo che capta gli AIVDM, in parole povere la nave capta anche la sua stessa informazione AIS.


Teoria: catb

Stato della navigazione

Codice Significato
0 Under way using engine
1 At anchor
2 Not under command
3 Restricted manoeuverability
4 Constrained by her draught
5 Moored
6 Aground
7 Engaged in Fishing
8 Under way sailing
9 Reserved for future amendment of navigational status for ships carrying DG, HS, or MP, or IMO hazard or pollutant category C, high-speed craft (HSC)
10 Reserved for future amendment of navigational status for ships carrying dangerous goods (DG), harmful substances (HS) or marine pollutants (MP), or IMO hazard or pollutant category A, wing in ground (WIG)
11 power-driven vessel towing astern (regional use)
12 power-driven vessel pushing ahead or towing alongside (regional use)
13 Reserved for future use
15 Not defined (default)

Tipo di Nave

Codice Significato
0 Not available
1-19 Reserved for future use
20 Wing in ground (WIG), all ships of this type
30 Fishing
31 Towing
32 Towing: length exceeds 200m or breadth exceeds 25m
33 Dredging or underwater ops
34 Diving ops
35 Military ops
36 Sailing
37 Pleasure Craft
38 Reserved
39 Reserved
40 High speed craft (HSC), all ships of this type
41 High speed craft (HSC), Hazardous category A
42 High speed craft (HSC), Hazardous category B
43 High speed craft (HSC), Hazardous category C
44 High speed craft (HSC), Hazardous category D
45 High speed craft (HSC), Reserved for future use
46 High speed craft (HSC), Reserved for future use
47 High speed craft (HSC), Reserved for future use
48 High speed craft (HSC), Reserved for future use
49 High speed craft (HSC), No additional information
50 Pilot Vessel
51 Search and Rescue vessel
52 Tug
53 Port Tender
54 Anti-pollution equipment
55 Law Enforcement
56-57 Spare - Local Vessel
58 Medical Transport
59 Noncombatant ship according to RR Resolution No. 18
60 Passenger, all ships of this type
61 Passenger, Hazardous category A
62 Passenger, Hazardous category B
63 Passenger, Hazardous category C
64 Passenger, Hazardous category D
65 Passenger, Reserved for future use
66 Passenger, Reserved for future use
67 Passenger, Reserved for future use
68 Passenger, Reserved for future use
69 Passenger, No additional information
70 Cargo, all ships of this type
71 Cargo, Hazardous category A
72 Cargo, Hazardous category B
73 Cargo, Hazardous category C
74 Cargo, Hazardous category D
75 Cargo, Reserved for future use
76 Cargo, Reserved for future use
77 Cargo, Reserved for future use
78 Cargo, Reserved for future use
79 Cargo, No additional information
80 Tanker, all ships of this type
81 Tanker, Hazardous category A
82 Tanker, Hazardous category B
83 Tanker, Hazardous category C
84 Tanker, Hazardous category D
85 Tanker, Reserved for future use
86 Tanker, Reserved for future use
87 Tanker, Reserved for future use
88 Tanker, Reserved for future use
89 Tanker, No additional information
90 Other Type, all ships of this type
91 Other Type, Hazardous category A
92 Other Type, Hazardous category B
93 Other Type, Hazardous category C
94 Other Type, Hazardous category D
95-98 Other Type, Reserved for future use
99 Other Type, no additional information

Position accuracy
0 --> low(>10m)
1 --> high(<10ms)

Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring Cos'è: wikipedia

Navigazione | AIS

Dizionario | Dizionario Navigazione Marittima

Author Giuseppe AINO