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System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and translatewiki.net if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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topMenuBarCustomizer (Talk) (Translate) <TopMenuBarCustomizer>
userManager (Talk) (Translate) <UserManager>
wantedArticle (Talk) (Translate) <WantedArticle>
tmp-create-error (Talk) (Translate) Could not create temporary file.
tmp-write-error (Talk) (Translate) Error writing temporary file.
toc (Talk) (Translate) Contents
toc-DispositionAttachment-message (Talk) (Translate) Which (additional) file type do you wish to view in external applications?
toc-DispositionAttachment-title (Talk) (Translate) Add file type
toc-DispositionInline-message (Talk) (Translate) Which (additional) file type do you wish to view in your browser?
toc-DispositionInline-title (Talk) (Translate) Add file type
toc-FileExtensionWhitelist-message (Talk) (Translate) Which (additional) file type do you always wish to view?
toc-FileExtensionWhitelist-title (Talk) (Translate) Add file type
toc-FileExtensions-message (Talk) (Translate) Which file extension do you want to add to the list?
toc-FileExtensions-title (Talk) (Translate) Add file extension
toc-ImageExtensions-message (Talk) (Translate) Which image file extension do you want to add to the list?
toc-ImageExtensions-title (Talk) (Translate) Add image file extension
today-at (Talk) (Translate) $1
tog-ccmeonemails (Talk) (Translate) Send me copies of emails I send to other users
tog-diffonly (Talk) (Translate) Do not show page content below diffs
tog-editondblclick (Talk) (Translate) Edit pages on double click
tog-editsectiononrightclick (Talk) (Translate) Enable section editing by right clicking on section titles
tog-enotifminoredits (Talk) (Translate) Email me also for minor edits of pages and files
tog-enotifrevealaddr (Talk) (Translate) Reveal my email address in notification emails
tog-enotifusertalkpages (Talk) (Translate) Email me when my user talk page is changed
tog-enotifwatchlistpages (Talk) (Translate) Email me when a page or file on my watchlist is changed
tog-extendwatchlist (Talk) (Translate) Expand watchlist to show all changes, not just the most recent
tog-fancysig (Talk) (Translate) Treat signature as wikitext (without an automatic link)
tog-forceeditsummary (Talk) (Translate) Prompt me when entering a blank edit summary
tog-hideminor (Talk) (Translate) Hide minor edits in recent changes
tog-hidepatrolled (Talk) (Translate) Hide patrolled edits in recent changes
tog-minordefault (Talk) (Translate) Mark all edits minor by default
tog-newpageshidepatrolled (Talk) (Translate) Hide patrolled pages from new page list
tog-norollbackdiff (Talk) (Translate) Omit diff after performing a rollback
tog-numberheadings (Talk) (Translate) Auto-number headings
tog-oldsig (Talk) (Translate) Existing signature:
tog-prefershttps (Talk) (Translate) Always use a secure connection when logged in
tog-previewonfirst (Talk) (Translate) Show preview on first edit
tog-previewontop (Talk) (Translate) Show preview before edit box
tog-showhiddencats (Talk) (Translate) Show hidden categories
tog-shownumberswatching (Talk) (Translate) Show the number of watching users
tog-showtoolbar (Talk) (Translate) Show edit toolbar
tog-underline (Talk) (Translate) Link underlining:
tog-useeditwarning (Talk) (Translate) Warn me when I leave an edit page with unsaved changes
tog-uselivepreview (Talk) (Translate) Use live preview (experimental)
tog-usenewrc (Talk) (Translate) Group changes by page in recent changes and watchlist
tog-watchcreations (Talk) (Translate) Add pages I create and files I upload to my watchlist
tog-watchdefault (Talk) (Translate) Add pages and files I edit to my watchlist
tog-watchdeletion (Talk) (Translate) Add pages and files I delete to my watchlist
tog-watchlisthideanons (Talk) (Translate) Hide edits by anonymous users from the watchlist
tog-watchlisthidebots (Talk) (Translate) Hide bot edits from the watchlist
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