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System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and translatewiki.net if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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emoticons (Talk) (Translate) <Emoticons>
hideTitle (Talk) (Translate) <HideTitle>
mW (Talk) (Translate) <MW>
mW__AnonUserImage (Talk) (Translate) <MW__AnonUserImage>
mW__DefaultUserImage (Talk) (Translate) <MW__DefaultUserImage>
mW__FileExtensions (Talk) (Translate) <MW__FileExtensions>
mW__ImageExtensions (Talk) (Translate) <MW__ImageExtensions>
mW__LogoPath (Talk) (Translate) <MW__LogoPath>
mW__UserImage (Talk) (Translate) <MW__UserImage>
pageAccess (Talk) (Translate) <PageAccess>
responsibleEditors (Talk) (Translate) <ResponsibleEditors>
saferEdit (Talk) (Translate) <SaferEdit>
secureFileStore (Talk) (Translate) <SecureFileStore>
smartList (Talk) (Translate) <SmartList>
statistics (Talk) (Translate) Statistics
topMenuBarCustomizer (Talk) (Translate) <TopMenuBarCustomizer>
userManager (Talk) (Translate) <UserManager>
wantedArticle (Talk) (Translate) <WantedArticle>
echo-email-batch-category-header-reverted (Talk) (Translate) $1 {{PLURAL:$1|edit|edits}} reverted
echo-email-batch-category-header-system (Talk) (Translate) $1 system {{PLURAL:$1|notification|notifications}}
echo-email-batch-separator (Talk) (Translate) ________________________________________________
echo-email-batch-subject-daily (Talk) (Translate) You have $1 {{PLURAL:$2|notification|notifications}} today
echo-email-batch-subject-weekly (Talk) (Translate) You have $1 {{PLURAL:$2|notification|notifications}} this week
echo-email-body-default (Talk) (Translate) You have a new notification at {{SITENAME}}: $1
echo-email-subject-default (Talk) (Translate) New notification at {{SITENAME}}
echo-error-no-formatter (Talk) (Translate) No formatting defined for notification
echo-error-preference (Talk) (Translate) Error: Could not set user preference
echo-error-token (Talk) (Translate) Error: Could not retrieve user token
echo-load-more-error (Talk) (Translate) An error occurred while fetching more results.
echo-more-info (Talk) (Translate) More info
echo-no-agent (Talk) (Translate) [Nobody]
echo-no-title (Talk) (Translate) [No page]
echo-none (Talk) (Translate) You have no notifications.
echo-notification-count (Talk) (Translate) $1+
echo-overlay-title (Talk) (Translate) My notifications
echo-overlay-title-overflow (Talk) (Translate) My notifications (showing $1 of $2 unread)
echo-pref-email (Talk) (Translate) Email
echo-pref-email-frequency-daily (Talk) (Translate) A daily summary of notifications
echo-pref-email-frequency-immediately (Talk) (Translate) Individual notifications as they come in
echo-pref-email-frequency-never (Talk) (Translate) Do not send me any email notifications
echo-pref-email-frequency-weekly (Talk) (Translate) A weekly summary of notifications
echo-pref-subscription-article-linked (Talk) (Translate) Creates a link to a page I created
echo-pref-subscription-bs-create-cat (Talk) (Translate) a site has been created.
echo-pref-subscription-bs-delete-cat (Talk) (Translate) a site has been deleted.
echo-pref-subscription-bs-edit-cat (Talk) (Translate) site changed.
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