System messages
From Aino Wiki
This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
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Name | Default message text |
Current message text | |
bs-wantedarticle-single-textfield-defaulttext (Talk) (Translate) | Title |
bs-wantedarticle-single-textfield-suggestbutton-text (Talk) (Translate) | Suggest |
bs-wantedarticle-sort-value-unknown (Talk) (Translate) | Only values "title" and "time" are valid |
bs-wantedarticle-success-suggestion-entered (Talk) (Translate) | Your suggestion was entered to the list. |
bs-wantedarticle-suggest-page (Talk) (Translate) | Suggest article $1. |
bs-wantedarticle-tag-default-title (Talk) (Translate) | Wanted articles |
bs-wantedarticle-tag-more-linktext (Talk) (Translate) | more... |
bs-wantedarticle-tag-no-wishes (Talk) (Translate) | No wanted articles available. |
bs-wantedarticle-tag-wantedarticle-desc (Talk) (Translate) | Renders a list of wanted articles. Valid attributes: ;count: Numerical free text ;sort: Possible values are <code>time</code>, <code>title</code> ;order: Possible values are <code>ASC</code>, <code>DESC</code> ;title: Free text ;type: Mögliche Werte sind <code>list</code>, <code>queue</code> |
bs-watch (Talk) (Translate) | watch |
bs-watchlist-extension-description (Talk) (Translate) | Adds a watchlist widget and tag. |
bs-watchlist-pref-WidgetLimit (Talk) (Translate) | Limit of entries |
bs-watchlist-pref-WidgetSortOdr (Talk) (Translate) | Order by |
bs-watchlist-pref-sort-time (Talk) (Translate) | Time |
bs-watchlist-pref-sort-title (Talk) (Translate) | Title |
bs-watchlist-tag-watchlist-desc (Talk) (Translate) | Creates a list of articles which are on your watchlist and have a non sighted change. |
bs-watchlist-title-sidebar (Talk) (Translate) | Watched articles |
bs-weeks-duration (Talk) (Translate) | {{PLURAL:$1|one week|$1 weeks}} |
bs-whoisonline-deprecated (Talk) (Translate) | The display of users is now in the widget bar on the right. Please remove {{#userslink}}. |
bs-whoisonline-extension-description (Talk) (Translate) | Displays a list of users who are currently online. |
bs-whoisonline-nousers (Talk) (Translate) | Nobody is logged in. |
bs-whoisonline-pref-Interval (Talk) (Translate) | Update interval (seconds). |
bs-whoisonline-pref-LimitCount (Talk) (Translate) | Maximum number of users shown |
bs-whoisonline-pref-LinkUsers (Talk) (Translate) | Link user name to user page |
bs-whoisonline-pref-MaxIdleTime (Talk) (Translate) | Expired time when a inactive user is not shown as online anymore (seconds) |
bs-whoisonline-pref-OrderBy (Talk) (Translate) | Sort by |
bs-whoisonline-pref-ShowRealName (Talk) (Translate) | Show real name |
bs-whoisonline-pref-sort-name (Talk) (Translate) | Name |
bs-whoisonline-pref-sort-time (Talk) (Translate) | Online time |
bs-whoisonline-table-does-not-exist (Talk) (Translate) | Database table whoisonline does not exist |
bs-whoisonline-tag-whoisonlinecount-desc (Talk) (Translate) | Renders the number of currently logged in users. |
bs-whoisonline-tag-whoisonlinepopup-desc (Talk) (Translate) | Renders a little fly-out list of currently logged in users. Valid attributes: ;anchortext: The text you want the fly-out to be attached to. |
bs-whoisonline-widget-title (Talk) (Translate) | Who is online? |
bs-widget-container-tooltip (Talk) (Translate) | Widgets |
bs-widget-flyout-heading (Talk) (Translate) | Widgets |
bs-widgetbar-extension-description (Talk) (Translate) | Adds Widgets to the UI. |
bs-widgetbar-pref-UserPageSubPageTitle (Talk) (Translate) | Subarticle that hosts the "Widgetlist" |
bs-widgetbar-userpagesettings-headline (Talk) (Translate) | Widgets |
bs-widgetbar-userpagesettings-link-text (Talk) (Translate) | Edit Widgets |
bs-widgetbar-userpagesettings-link-title (Talk) (Translate) | Click here to edit the content of the Widgetbar |
bs-wikiadmin-back (Talk) (Translate) | back |
bs-wikiadmin-extension-description (Talk) (Translate) | Central point of administration for Bluespice |
bs-wikiadmin-not_allowed (Talk) (Translate) | You are not allowed to use this site. |
bs-wikiadmin-wikiadmin (Talk) (Translate) | WikiAdmin123 |
bs-years-duration (Talk) (Translate) | {{PLURAL:$1|one year|$1 years}} |
bydate (Talk) (Translate) | by date |
cachedspecial-refresh-now (Talk) (Translate) | View latest. |
cachedspecial-viewing-cached-ts (Talk) (Translate) | You are viewing a cached version of this page, which might not be completely actual. |
cachedspecial-viewing-cached-ttl (Talk) (Translate) | You are viewing a cached version of this page, which can be up to $1 old. |
cancel (Talk) (Translate) | Cancel |
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