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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and translatewiki.net if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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bs-responsibleeditors-cbNamespacesLable (Talk) (Translate) Namespace
bs-responsibleeditors-cmChangeRespEditors (Talk) (Translate) Change responsible editors
bs-responsibleeditors-columnHeaderActions (Talk) (Translate) Actions
bs-responsibleeditors-columnHeaderArticle (Talk) (Translate) Article
bs-responsibleeditors-columnHeaderNamespace (Talk) (Translate) Namespace
bs-responsibleeditors-columnHeaderResponsibleEditor (Talk) (Translate) Responsible Editors
bs-responsibleeditors-columnResponsibleEditorNotSet (Talk) (Translate) <Bs-responsibleeditors-columnResponsibleEditorNotSet >
bs-responsibleeditors-contentactions-label (Talk) (Translate) Change responsibility
bs-responsibleeditors-dialogTitle (Talk) (Translate) Verantwortlichen Redakteur zuweisen
bs-responsibleeditors-error-ajax-invalid-parameter (Talk) (Translate) Invalid values provided. Please contact your admin.
bs-responsibleeditors-error-ajax-not-allowed (Talk) (Translate) Access denied.
bs-responsibleeditors-error-specialpage-given-article-does-not-exist (Talk) (Translate) The given article does not exist.
bs-responsibleeditors-extension-description (Talk) (Translate) Enables MediaWiki to assign responsible editors to an article.
bs-responsibleeditors-loadMaskMessage (Talk) (Translate) Übertrage Daten...
bs-responsibleeditors-mail-subject-former-editor (Talk) (Translate) Responsibility for "$1" revoked
bs-responsibleeditors-mail-subject-new-editor (Talk) (Translate) Responsiblity for "$1" assigned
bs-responsibleeditors-mail-subject-re-article-changed (Talk) (Translate) The article "$1" has been edited by $2
bs-responsibleeditors-mail-subject-re-article-deleted (Talk) (Translate) The article "$1" has been deleted by $2
bs-responsibleeditors-mail-subject-re-article-moved (Talk) (Translate) The article "$1" has been moved by $2
bs-responsibleeditors-mail-text-former-editor (Talk) (Translate) the user $1 revoked the responsibility for the article "$2" The new {{PLURAL:$4|responsible editor is|responsible editors are}}: $3. After logging into the wiki you can open the article with this link: $5 If you have any questions please refer to $1.
bs-responsibleeditors-mail-text-new-editor (Talk) (Translate) the user $1 assigned you to "$2". After logging into the wiki you can open the article with this link: $3 If you have any questions please refer to $1.
bs-responsibleeditors-mail-text-re-article-changed (Talk) (Translate) The article "$1" for which you are registered as a responsible editor has been edited by $2. After logging into the wiki you can open the article with this link: $3
bs-responsibleeditors-mail-text-re-article-deleted (Talk) (Translate) The article "$1" for which you are registered as a responsible editor has been deleted by $2. After logging into the wiki you can open the article with this link: $3
bs-responsibleeditors-mail-text-re-article-moved (Talk) (Translate) The article "$1" for which you are registered as a responsible editor has been moved to "$2" by $3. After logging into the wiki you can open the article with this link: $4
bs-responsibleeditors-main-namespace (Talk) (Translate) Main
bs-responsibleeditors-no-own-responsibilities (Talk) (Translate) There are no articles which you are the responsible editor for
bs-responsibleeditors-pnlDescriptionText (Talk) (Translate) Wählen Sie einen verantwortlichen Redakteur aus dem Drop-Down-Menü aus.
bs-responsibleeditors-pnlFailureText (Talk) (Translate) Beim Ändern der Verantwortlichkeit ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihren Administrator.
bs-responsibleeditors-pnlSucessText (Talk) (Translate) Die Verantwortlichkeit wurde erfolgreich aktuallisiert!
bs-responsibleeditors-pref-ActivatedNamespaces (Talk) (Translate) Enabled namespaces
bs-responsibleeditors-pref-AddArticleToREWatchLists (Talk) (Translate) Add articles to responsible editors watchlists
bs-responsibleeditors-pref-AutoAssignOnArticleCreation (Talk) (Translate) Auto-assign on article creation (if permission is okay)
bs-responsibleeditors-pref-AutoPermissions (Talk) (Translate) Automatic assignment of rights
bs-responsibleeditors-pref-EChange (Talk) (Translate) Notify when article has been changed
bs-responsibleeditors-pref-EDelete (Talk) (Translate) Notify when article has been deleted
bs-responsibleeditors-pref-EMailNotificationOnResponsibilityChange (Talk) (Translate) E-mail notification on responsibility change
bs-responsibleeditors-pref-EMove (Talk) (Translate) Notify when article has been moved
bs-responsibleeditors-pref-ResponsibleEditorMayChangeAssignment (Talk) (Translate) Responsible editor may change own responsibilites
bs-responsibleeditors-pref-ResponsibleEditorMayChangeAssingment (Talk) (Translate) Assigned editor may change assignment
bs-responsibleeditors-pref-SpecialPageDefaultPageSize (Talk) (Translate) SpecialPage: page size of the table
bs-responsibleeditors-ptbAfterPageText (Talk) (Translate) of {0}
bs-responsibleeditors-ptbBeforePageText (Talk) (Translate) Page
bs-responsibleeditors-ptbDisplayMsgText (Talk) (Translate) Article {0} - {1} of {2}
bs-responsibleeditors-ptbEmptyMsgText (Talk) (Translate) No articles found.
bs-responsibleeditors-rbDisplayModeAll (Talk) (Translate) Show all articles.
bs-responsibleeditors-rbDisplayModeOnlyAssignedText (Talk) (Translate) Show only articles with responsibility already assigned.
bs-responsibleeditors-rbDisplayModeOnlyNotAssigned (Talk) (Translate) Show only articles without assigned responsibility.
bs-responsibleeditors-remove-assignment (Talk) (Translate) Without responsibility
bs-responsibleeditors-right-responsibleeditors-changeresponsibility (Talk) (Translate) Change responsibility
bs-responsibleeditors-right-responsibleeditors-takeresponsibility (Talk) (Translate) Take responsiblity
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