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System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and translatewiki.net if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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bs-pref-EmailNotifyOwner (Talk) (Translate) Notify the owner of a workfow about changes:
bs-pref-ExcludeNamespaces (Talk) (Translate) Namespaces (Blacklist)
bs-pref-FaviconPath (Talk) (Translate) Favicon path
bs-pref-FileExtensions (Talk) (Translate) Allowed file extensions
bs-pref-FileExtensions-message (Talk) (Translate) Which file extension do you want to add to the list?
bs-pref-FileExtensions-title (Talk) (Translate) Add file extension
bs-pref-Heading (Talk) (Translate) Widget-Heading
bs-pref-ImageExtensions (Talk) (Translate) Allowed image file extensions
bs-pref-ImageExtensions-message (Talk) (Translate) Which image file extension do you want to add to the list?
bs-pref-ImageExtensions-title (Talk) (Translate) Add image file extension
bs-pref-LanguageCode (Talk) (Translate) Language
bs-pref-LogoPath (Talk) (Translate) Logo path
bs-pref-MiniProfileEnforceHeight (Talk) (Translate) Force height of Userprofilepicture
bs-pref-Mode (Talk) (Translate) Mode (<strong>recentchanges</strong>|changesofweek|ratings)
bs-pref-Namespaces (Talk) (Translate) Namespaces (Whitelist)
bs-pref-NotifyAll (Talk) (Translate) Notification for edits:
bs-pref-NotifyNew (Talk) (Translate) Notification for new pages:
bs-pref-Period (Talk) (Translate) Period (day|week|month)
bs-pref-RekursionBreakLevel (Talk) (Translate) Max. recursive nesting of data trees (e.g. categories)
bs-pref-ShowMinorChanges (Talk) (Translate) Show minor changes
bs-pref-ShowOnlyNewArticles (Talk) (Translate) Show only new articles
bs-pref-TestMode (Talk) (Translate) Activate Testmode
bs-pref-UseMinify (Talk) (Translate) Use minifier
bs-pref-UserSidebarLimit (Talk) (Translate) Limit of entries in Focus
bs-pref-UserSidebarNamespaces (Talk) (Translate) Namespaces
bs-pref-sortalph (Talk) (Translate) Sort namespaces alphabetically
bs-preferences-button_save (Talk) (Translate) Save
bs-preferences-extension-description (Talk) (Translate) Offers the possibility to admins, to configurate the whole wiki from a single SpecialPage.
bs-preferences-label (Talk) (Translate) Preferences
bs-readers-article-does-not-exist (Talk) (Translate) Empty input!
bs-readers-contentactions-label (Talk) (Translate) Show readers
bs-readers-emptyinput (Talk) (Translate) You have to specify an article
bs-readers-extension-description (Talk) (Translate) Shows readers of an article.
bs-readers-headerReadersPath (Talk) (Translate) Readers path
bs-readers-headerTs (Talk) (Translate) Date
bs-readers-headerUsername (Talk) (Translate) User name
bs-readers-pageSize (Talk) (Translate) Page size:
bs-readers-pref-active (Talk) (Translate) Activate readers of this article
bs-readers-pref-numofreaders (Talk) (Translate) Number of readers to display
bs-readers-pref-upordown (Talk) (Translate) Show readers below article headline
bs-readers-showEntries (Talk) (Translate) Displaying {0} - {1} of {2}
bs-readers-title (Talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|Reader|Readers}}
bs-readonly (Talk) (Translate) The database is currently locked to new entries and other modifications, probably for routine database maintenance, after which it will be back to normal. The administrator who locked it offered this explanation: $1
bs-responsibleeditors-all-namespaces (Talk) (Translate) All namespaces
bs-responsibleeditors-assignedEditors (Talk) (Translate) Assigned editors
bs-responsibleeditors-availableEditors (Talk) (Translate) Available editors
bs-responsibleeditors-btnDisplayModeText (Talk) (Translate) View
bs-responsibleeditors-cbEmptyText (Talk) (Translate) Kein Redakteur gewählt
bs-responsibleeditors-cbLabelEditorList (Talk) (Translate) Verantwortlicher Reakteur
bs-responsibleeditors-cbNamespacesEmptyText (Talk) (Translate) Select a namespace
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