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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and translatewiki.net if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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bs-notifications-pref-active (Talk) (Translate) Enable Notification
bs-notifications-pref-notifydelete (Talk) (Translate) Notification for deletion
bs-notifications-pref-notifyedit (Talk) (Translate) Notification for edits
bs-notifications-pref-notifymove (Talk) (Translate) Notification for moves
bs-notifications-pref-notifynew (Talk) (Translate) Notification for new pages
bs-notifications-pref-notifynominor (Talk) (Translate) No notification for minor changes
bs-notifications-pref-notifyns (Talk) (Translate) Only notify for changes in these namespaces
bs-notifications-pref-notifyshout (Talk) (Translate) Notification for messages on watched pages(shoutbox)
bs-notifications-pref-notifyuser (Talk) (Translate) Notification for new users (only for sysops)
bs-now (Talk) (Translate) now
bs-ns_all (Talk) (Translate) (all)
bs-ns_main (Talk) (Translate) (Pages)
bs-one-unit-ago (Talk) (Translate) $1 ago
bs-pageaccess-error-included-forbidden-template (Talk) (Translate) You've tried to use the template "$1" to which you don't have read access. In order to prevent you from locking yourself out, saving was disabled.
bs-pageaccess-error-no-groups-given (Talk) (Translate) No groups were specified. Use the tag as follows: <bs:pageaccess groups="sysop" />
bs-pageaccess-error-not-member-of-given-groups (Talk) (Translate) You're not a member of the given groups. In order to prevent you from locking yourself out, saving was disabled.
bs-pageaccess-extension-description (Talk) (Translate) Controls access on page level.
bs-pageaccess-tag-groups-desc (Talk) (Translate) Specify the groups that should have exclusive access to this page. Multiple groups can be separated by commas.
bs-pagesvisited-PagesVisited (Talk) (Translate) Visited pages
bs-pagesvisited-error-namespace-not-valid (Talk) (Translate) Given namespace "$1" is not valid.
bs-pagesvisited-error-namespaces-not-valid (Talk) (Translate) Given namespaces "$1" are not valid.
bs-pagesvisited-extension-description (Talk) (Translate) Provides a personalized list of last visited pages.
bs-pagesvisited-integer-range-validation-too-high (Talk) (Translate) Provided value is to heigh
bs-pagesvisited-integer-range-validation-too-low (Talk) (Translate) Provided value is to low
bs-pagesvisited-pref-WidgetLimit (Talk) (Translate) Limit of entries
bs-pagesvisited-pref-WidgetLocation (Talk) (Translate) Place to display [Focus|Widget]
bs-pagesvisited-pref-WidgetNS (Talk) (Translate) Namespaces
bs-pagesvisited-pref-WidgetSortOdr (Talk) (Translate) Sort by
bs-pagesvisited-pref-namespaces-all (Talk) (Translate) All
bs-pagesvisited-pref-sort-pagename (Talk) (Translate) Title
bs-pagesvisited-pref-sort-time (Talk) (Translate) Time
bs-pagesvisited-tag-pagesvisited-desc (Talk) (Translate) Show a list of articles you have visited
bs-pagesvisited-widget-title (Talk) (Translate) Visited pages
bs-pagetemplates-ExcludeNs (Talk) (Translate) Do not show templates in these namespaces
bs-pagetemplates-ForceNamespace (Talk) (Translate) Force target namespace
bs-pagetemplates-HideIfNotInTargetNs (Talk) (Translate) Hide template if the article is not to be created in target namespace
bs-pagetemplates-HideLinesAfterEmptyPage (Talk) (Translate) Hide empty lines between sections
bs-pagetemplates-PageTemplates (Talk) (Translate) Page templates
bs-pagetemplates-actions (Talk) (Translate) Actions
bs-pagetemplates-btnCancel (Talk) (Translate) Cancel
bs-pagetemplates-btnOk (Talk) (Translate) Ok
bs-pagetemplates-button_cancel (Talk) (Translate) Cancel
bs-pagetemplates-button_ok (Talk) (Translate) OK
bs-pagetemplates-choose-template (Talk) (Translate) This page doesn't exist yet. You can create a new page. If you don't want to do that, click the back button of your browser to return to the last page visited. You can choose from one of the following templates:
bs-pagetemplates-confirmDeleteTemplate (Talk) (Translate) Are you sure, you want delete this template?
bs-pagetemplates-create_new (Talk) (Translate) Create new page template
bs-pagetemplates-db_error (Talk) (Translate) A database error occurred.
bs-pagetemplates-del_question1 (Talk) (Translate) Do you really want to delete the template
bs-pagetemplates-del_question2 (Talk) (Translate) ?
bs-pagetemplates-delete (Talk) (Translate) Delete
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